Crisis Over Leadership Rocks Olumba Church

The crisis rocking Brotherhood of the Cross and Star popularly referred to as OO Obu has taken a different dimension following the scramble for who takes over leadership of the church after it current occupier.
According to an anonymous insider that does not want to be named, the crisis is occasioned by Roland’s new wife insistence on naming her son heir to the church against Prince Roland Jnr, first son of Roland Olumba Obu hitherto groomed by his father for the responsibility.
This source alleged further that the Kingdom of Brotherhood Of The Cross And Star was divided when the late daughter of Late Olumba Olumba Obu who was very active in the Church struggled the Temple with her Brother, Roland Olumba Obu after their father’s demise decades ago.
This wrangling led to strong opposition from some members of the Brotherhood against Roland Olumba Obu as their Messiah.
According to unconfirmed sources, Roland Olumba Obu has been in and out of the Country battling to survive as his health is fast depreciating due to age.
It is believed in many quarters that Olumba Olumba Obu died donkey years ago and was secretly buried on the smokescreen that he had gone for prayers at the mountain.
Same fate of sudden disappearance from public glare followed the Wife of Olumba Olumba Obu said to have gone to check on the husband at the mountain including Roland’s sister who struggled the throne with him. The sister is believed to be buried in her Ewet Mansion, Uyo.
The source added that Late Olumba Olumba Obu was the most sincere preacher who did not only preach love but practiced love.