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Nigeria, A Nation In Search Of Re-orientation-Dominic Kidzu



Nigeria, A Nation In Search Of Re-orientation-Dominic

According to a recent finding, three out of four best Universities in the world are found in the United States of America. 

These glittering citadel of learning includes, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, Stanford University, United States, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States and Harvard University, United States.

Over the years, America’s rating in the international community has taken astronomical dimension following her intentional educational investment, highlighting her technological and entrepreneurial proficiencies.

In Nigeria, the advocacy for knowledge acquisition as prerequisite for socioeconomic and political transformation is at crescendo with latest from Dominic Kidzu, a seasoned media practitioner and change Agent of inestimable values. 

In a statement made available to, the Boki born pen pusher emphasized the need for a return to the cradle in grooming exposed, moral and talented minds through introduction of reading clubs with a view to broaden the frontiers of knowledge transfer. In his words

“The Nigerian society has become overtly materialistic. The values have shifted from hard work, ingenuity and creativity to mere ‘Money’ not minding the source. 

In Europe for instance, every wealth has a source, but in Africa either you steal from government or you scam from people just to impress.

The society degraded slowly starting with corruption in government to moral decay.

“I requested from the governor to be made Special Adviser on reading culture. I thought that somebody in government should be interested enough in the Education of our children. 

To be able to go from school to school and talk with the children on why they need to read beside addiction to mobile phone.

I’m hoping that this requisition receives the governor’s blessings.

If it doesn’t, I intend to involve private sector to drive this crusade. 

“Before I finished secondary school in Bunyia-Irruan, I had read 61 James Harley Chess novels. Not to talk of the catharsis which was the popular and then Rocksa Lampa which are all mystical series.

We started reading Frederick Foresight, Leon Auris, before we left secondary schools.

I wrote an essay on the airport in secondary school even when I had not seen a tiled road because I had met so many airports in the novels that I read.

That is the value of reading that this generation does not understand.

On social media, you a bit about everything, but you don’t know anything deeply.”

According to the former Chief press Secretary to Donald Duke, the current moral decadence is attributive to surge for ill-gotten wealth, a symbol of misplaced priorities.

Kidzu blamed, family, government and society at large for placing premium on wealth display against genuineness of purpose. He says

“As much as 10 percent of students in secondary schools, parents and society hardly advises them to buy or donate novels and other written materials to improve their mental horizon.

In those days we used to collect novels as gifts, but now reverse is the case because, as parents and caregivers, we have monetized the novel gifts.”

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