In a joyous moment that resonated across social media, Chinedu Ikedieze, popularly known as Aki, and his wife Nneoma Nwaijah announced the arrival of their newborn...
In an eagerly awaited announcement, the organizers of Big Brother Naija have unveiled the commencement date for Season 9, setting the stage for an electrifying debut...
United States President, Joe Biden has watered down negative criticisms of him flying the Democrat ticket in the forthcoming Presidential election affirming that nothing would make...
Davido has reacted to his baby mama, Sophia Momodu’s lengthy counter-affidavit that recently emerged online. The music star expressed displeasure at Sophia Momodu for mentioning his...
Early Life and Formative Years Keir Starmer was born in 1962 in the small town of Reigate, Surrey, just outside of London. He grew up in...
London, UK – In a seamless transition of power that underscored the enduring stability of British politics, Keir Starmer of the Labour Party officially became the...
“You constantly bringing up the death of my child at any point you can to just remind us of this tragedy that haunts us every day...
In a dramatic plea at the Grade A Customary Court in Mapo, Ibadan, Olawale Idowu, a spare-part dealer, pleaded for the dissolution of his 13-year marriage...