Renowned Nollywood actor, Ugezu J. Ugezu, has been honored with a prestigious chieftaincy title in his hometown in Anambra State. The actor was officially admitted into...
The Federal Capital Territory, FCT Police have arrested one Khadija Ali for abandoning her one-day-old baby along a bush path near Crush Rock, behind an uncompleted...
Boki Local Government Area is home to natural and human resources. She feeds other adjoining local government areas yet remains poorest of the poor in terms...
The Police in Osun have arrested Wale Ogunsanmi, in connection with the stabbing to death of an Osogbo-based cleric, Bishop Shina Olaribigbe. It was reported that...
Ghana’s President, Nana Akufo-Addo’s Aide-de-Camp, ADC, Colonel Isaac Amponsah suddenly collapsed in the midst of a session of parliament on Friday, 3 January, 2025 disrupting flow...
The wife of the immediate past president of Nigeria, Hajia Aisha Buhari, and her children, along with the governors of Kwara and Kogi, AbdulRahman AbdulRasaq and...
Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, Nyesom Wike, has listed his achievements in the last one year. Wike made this known in his 2025 New...
One Zacharia Moses has met his death in the course of making peace between two fighting persons. The sad incident happened at Kuchiyako village in Kuje...