Parliament Vanguard’s 2024 Yuletide Felicitations

The year 2024 is been a rollercoaster of memorable events.
It has brought numerical increments, academic breakthroughs, material acquisitions, public acceptability among others like precious gifts from
Melchior, Balthasar and Gaspar, makers of the biblical three wise Men or Magi as sometimes called.
Pedagogically, Melchior was the oldest member of the three wise men, traditionally called the King of Persia. He brought the gift of gold to Jesus.
In the Western Christian church, he is regarded as a Saint (as are the other two Magi).
According to Western church tradition, Balthasar is often represented as a king of Arabia or sometimes Ethiopia and is thus frequently depicted as a Middle Eastern or Black man in art. He is usually said to have given the gift of Myrrh to the Christ Child.
On the other hand, Gaspar often represented as a King of India is usually said to have given the gift of frankincense to the Christ Child.
In similar fashion your year ending has enjoyed an unbridled season of Golden manifestations laced with Frankincense for divinity and Myrrh for resuscitation.
In the year 2025 assuredly, the wine will only get better in all ramifications.
Least I forget, your partnership with Parliament Vanguard in 2024 has been pivotal in shaping her outlook and journalistic compass with hopes for greater bonding.
Suffice to saying that working with you again in the year to become is an expectation never to ignore as we intend to consolidate on the gains of yesterday for a most formidable future, a justification for our esteemed respect for you.
Meantime, accept our congratulations and regards of the highest order.