
Why I Evolved My Comedy: Josh2Funny on Transitioning Beyond Crossdressing.



Comedian Josh Alfred, better known as Josh2Funny, recently opened up about his decision to retire his cross-dressing character, Mama Felicia, in favor of Brother Zacchaeus.

During an episode of The Honest Bunch podcast, Josh explained that the relentless attention and unwanted advances from male fans compelled him to make the switch.

Comedian Josh2funny. Photo credit@Gistreel.com

In his candid revelation, Josh shared how his comedic portrayal of Mama Felicia, although intended purely for laughs, often blurred boundaries with some fans. “Mama Felicia is a silly character, purely for laughs.

However, some people took it too seriously,” he recounted. The tipping point came when he began receiving unsettling messages and advances, including one persistent admirer who even sought him out on WhatsApp.

Josh humorously recounted his response, saying, “I told him I’d pray for him to go blind in two weeks. He quickly changed his tune!”

Faced with such uncomfortable encounters, Josh decided to pivot his comedy away from cross-dressing and focus on characters like Brother Zacchaeus. This change not only allowed him to sidestep further awkward situations but also let him concentrate on what truly mattered to him: making people laugh without the complications of mistaken intentions.

Reflecting on his journey, Josh emphasized, “I just wanted to entertain people. But the attention was getting too much in the wrong ways.”

By redefining his comedic persona, Josh2Funny continues to bring joy to audiences while ensuring his boundaries and intentions remain clear.


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